Updated: Dec 09, 2024
IGCP Project 559 - Seismic Images
Cratons and stable orogens/collision zones
Lithoprobe SNORCLE transect, Western Canada Transect from the Slave Craton to the Pacific Ocean and crossing the western Canadian sedimenraty basins. The western part crosses the Rocky Mountains,Cordillera and Coast Belt.
Pyrenees Transect, Spain
See also: ECORS Pyrenees Reflection/Refraction Transect Transect that runs from the Aquitanian Basin, France, across the central Pyrenees Range to the Ebro Basin, Spain. The Pyrenees is an asymmetric double sided orogen that resulted from collision of the Iberian plate with the European continent during Alpine times.
Central Australian Basins Transect, Australia Transect across a series of major E-W gravity anomalies and a Precambrian orogen showing major Moho offsets.
Urals Transect, Central Russia Transect across a major Late Palaeozoic continental collision zone, the Uralian Orogen, within central Russia. Collision zone marks the collision of the East European Craton with the Siberian Craton and intervening terranes of oceanic, island arc and micro-continental origin.
Tasman Orogen Transect, Eastern Australia Transect across the Tasman Orogen of eastern Australia, a well-preserved region of continental accretion and land mass addition.
BABEL Transect, Baltic Sea, Northwest Europe (large PDF file, ~60mb) Transect within the Baltic Sea. The BABEL (Baltic And Bothnian Echoes from the Lithosphere) transect extends from the Archean Karelian Domain in the northeast, across the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian Orogen and Proterozoic-Phanerozoic Sveco-Norwegian Orogen, and into the younger crust of Europe to the southwest.
DEKORP 1 Transect, Belgium and Germany Transect across the Ardennes/ Rhenish Massif, a foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Traverse starts in the the Variscan foreland in Belgium, crosses the Rhenish Massif of Germany and ends near the northern part of the Upper Rhine Graben. Note - this area is part of the European Variscides, a large region that extends from the French Central Massif to the East European Platform. It formed during the collision between Gondwana and Baltica in the Late Palaeozoic.
DEKORP 2 Transect, Germany Transect across the German Variscides from the Münsterland Basin in the north to the Moldanubian region at the Danube River. Note - this area is part of the European Variscides, a large region that extends from the French Central Massif to the East European Platform. It formed during the collision between Gondwana and Baltica in the Late Palaeozoic.
DEKORP 3 Transect, Germany Transect across Variscan structures of the Rhenohercynian and the Saxothuringian. Transect starts in the Rhenohercynian Hessian Depression, crosses the Saxothuringian Mid-German Crystalline High and then runs parallel to the northern margin of the Moldanubian. Note - this area is part of the European Variscides, a large region that extends from the French Central Massif to the East European Platform. It formed during the collision between Gondwana and Baltica in the Late Palaeozoic.
Kapuskasing Structural Transect, Ontario, Canada Transect across the Kapuskasing structural zone within the Archaean Superior Province, a region where rocks formed in the lower continental crust are now exposed at the surface. The Kapuskasing structural zone was caused by right-lateral transpression along NE-trending faults and NW-over-SE thrusting caused by plate collisions at the Superior Province margin.
Abitibi-Grenville Transect, Quebec-Ontario, Canada Transect crosses the Late Archaean Abitibi greenstone belt (part of the southern Superior Province, the central core of the North American craton) and the Mesoproterozoic Grenville Orogen. Results show convincing evidence for lateral convergence during the Archaean. Grenville Orogen structures now extend across two continents from southern Sweden to southern Mexico and the orogen is one of the greatest collisional belts ever formed.
Trans-Hudson Orogen Transect, Manitoba-Saskatchewan, Canada Transect crosses Early Proterozoic orogenic belts formed by Proterozoic crustal accretion and collision of older Archaean microcontinents. The seismic transect shows a complete Trans-Hudson Orogen section that is characterized by a zone of Early Proterozoic rocks sandwiched between the variably reworked Archaean Superior Craton and Hearne-Rae Craton.
Western Superior Craton Transect, Ontario, Canada Transect crosses the western part of the Archaean Superior Province, the nucleus of the North American continent. Results show oceanic crust, island arcs, sedimentary prisms and continental fragments were accreted successively from north to south against the southern margin of the cratonic nucleus.
East European Craton Transect, Northwest terranes, Eastern Russia Transect crosses the southeastern Fennoscandian Shield, East European Craton. Transect starts in the north at Murmansk, crosses the mid-Russia-south Baltica Orogen, passes Moscow, crosses the Kaluga-Ryazan Suture and ends after crossing the Sarmatia and Khopior boundary.
Southern Appalachian Mountains Transect, USA (I) Transect crosses the Virginia Piedmont with the Blue Ridge Province overlying Grenville basement. Web site provides additional data on the Southern Appalachian Mountains transect as well as information on the Appalachian UltraDeep Core Hole project.
Southern Appalachian Mountains Transect, USA (II) Transect crosses the Virginia Piedmont with the Blue Ridge Province overlying Grenville basement. Web site provides data and references.
Southern Appalachian Mountains Transect, USA (III) (PDF file) Transect crosses the Virginia Piedmont with the Blue Ridge Province overlying Grenville basement. The results show a zone of crustal weakness that was the continental edge during the Precambrian and which persisted as a zone of tectonic activity during later times.
Grenville Province, mid-continental USA (I) (PDF file) PDF of paper published with results from seismic transects across the Grenville Province. Transects include those from COCORP's central Ohio survey (OH-1 & OH-2) and GLIMPCE (Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution). Results indicate the Grenville Front is an east-dipping suture that is the western limit of a relatively simple assemblage of laterally extensive terranes, accreted by plate tectonic processes.
Grenville Province, mid-continental USA (II) (PDF file) PDF of paper published with further results from seismic transects across the Grenville Province. Transects include those from COCORP's Illinois, Indiana and central Ohio surveys. Results discuss implications of west-dipping intra-Grenville structures and indications that these mark a major collision zone within the eastern mid-continent.
Grenville Province, mid-continental USA (III) (PDF file) PDF of paper published with further results from seismic transects across the USA's mid-continental area, including the Western Granite-Rhyolite and Eastern Granite-Rhyolote areas and the Central Plains area. Transects include those from COCORP's. Missouri, Illinois and Indiana surveys and highlight mid-continent layering throughout the crust.
The Trans-Canada Transect, Canada (PDF file) Transet is a composite transect that crosses Canada from east to west. The Trans-Canada crustal cross-section spans 4 billion years of crustal evolution and emphasizes the large-scale pattern of sequential collisions that result in deformation and continental growth.
DRUM Transect, Offshore Scotland Transect is north of Scotland. DRUM profile is arguably the most famous deep seismic reflection profile. It shows extensive reflectivity from the upper mantle, a discrete sub-Mohorovicic Discontinuity reflectivity, the Flannan and W-reflectors. It changed our view of the role of the mantle in lithospheric evolution.
Agulhas-Karoo Geoscience Transect, South Africa
The transect extends from the Agulhas Plateau across the Agulhas-Falkland fracture zone, the Outeniqua Basin, the Cape Fold Belt, the Namaqua-Natal Belt and into the Karoo Province of southern Africa. It crosses a corridor of 3.5 billion years earth history from continental accretion to continental break-up.