Updated: Dec 09, 2024
IGCP Project 559 - Seismic Images
Other structures/tectonic features
Surrency Bright Spot, Georgia, USA (PDF file) Transect crosses the inferred Aleghanian suture zone running through southeastern Georgia. Transect shows unusually strong midcrustal reflectors and shows evidence of underthrusting of upper crustal rocks having occurred during suturing of Florida to North America. Study looks at 3D structure interpreted from P-wave and S-waveanalysis near the transect area.
DEKORP 4 / KTB 85 Transect, Southern Germany (I) Transect crosses the transition zone between the Moldanubian and Saxo-thuringian units of the Variscan orogen, European Variscides, Southern Germany. Transect shows deep seismic results near the site of the KTB super-deep (9.101 km) borehole in the Oberpfalz area in NE Bavaria and confirms an extensive overthrusting of Moldanubian onto Saxothuringian units. Transect also shows features of the metamorphic Erbendorf body.
DEKORP 4 / KTB 85, KTB Bore Hole, Southern Germany (II) (PDF file) Transects cross near the site of the KTB super-deep borehole in the Oberpfalz area in NE Bavaria and report outlines details of the FTB borehole.
DEKORP 4 / KTB 85, Southern Germany (III) Transect crosses the transition zone between the Moldanubian and Saxo-thuringian units of the Variscan orogen, European Variscides, Southern Germany. Transect shows the crustal structure of the Black Forest massif with respect to the role and extent of Variscan thrust and extension tectonics.
DEKORP 4 / KTB 85, Southern Germany (IV) Transect crosses the transition zone between the Moldanubian and Saxo-thuringian units of the Variscan orogen, European Variscides, Southern Germany. Transect shows the ISO '89 3D experimental results within the KTB drilling site. The survey area includes crystalline units of the Bohemian Massif in the NE as well as Mesozoic and Palaeozoic sediments in the SW, separated by the Franconian Line.
Urals Reflection Transect, central Russia Transect crosses the southern Urals Mountains within central Russia, between Ufa and Kartaly. Transect shows a features of a Palaeozoic orogen that resulted from the Middle to Late Paleozoic collision of the East European Craton with a Sibirian-Kasachian terrane agglomerate. The Transect shows that the Uralides have a significant crustal root in a low-relief region and that there is a doubly-vergent fabric within the collisional belt.
GRANU '95 Transect, Central European Varicides Transect crosses the Saxonian Granulite Massif, part of the Saxo-Thuringian zone of the European Variscides between the NW Mid-German Crystalline High and the SE Moldanubian.Transect shows structure of the exhumed high-pressure rocks in the Central European Varicides, the geometry of an extensional fault zone mapped at surface and structure around and below the Granulite Massif.