IGCP Project 559

Crustal Architecture and Images

aethetics only

Updated: Dec 09, 2024

IGCP Project 559 - Seismic Images


Trans-Antarctic Mountain – Seris Transect (PDF 215 kb)
Reflection transect between the Ross Embayment and the East Antarctic Trans-Antarctic Mountains, Antarctica. Transect shows thickening of crust beneath the mountain belt. The transition is marked by high amplitude reflections dipping towards and below the mountain belt.

Antarctic Seismic Transects, Antarctica
The Antarctic Seismic Data Library System provides open access to Antarctic multichannel seismic-reflection data collected by many countries to study the structure of the earth's crust of Antarctica. This site is operated and administered at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) by Nigel Wardell.