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Updated: Dec 09, 2024

Large-scale seismic transects: images of the Earth's crust and mantle


33rd International Geological Congress logo


Image: poster for 33rd International Geologocal Congress in Oslo, August 2008The 33rd International Geological Congress was held in Oslo, Norway, during 6-14 August, 2008. For nine days 6,000 scientists from 113 countries took part in lively discussions within almost every conceivable aspect of geology.

As part of the IGC program IGCP Project 474 (and its successor IGCP Project 559) sponsored session  EIL-10 Large-scale seismic transects: Images of the Earth’s crust and mantle. The conveners were Dr Randell Stephenson (VU University, Amsterdam), Dr. Ramon Carbonell (CSIC Jaume Almera, Barcelona), Dr. Bruce Goleby (Geoscience Australia, Canberra), and Dr. Doug Finlayson (IGCP 474, Canberra)

Most Earth science theory flows from an understanding of the geology at the surface of the Earth. However, seismic images of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle give us a detailed insight into the deeper geological structures and tectonic processes that shape the lithosphere and the modern landscapes. They are therefore relevant to natural resource exploration, the distribution and management of groundwater resources and the study and mitigation of natural hazards such as earthquakes. They define the large-scale processes that control the evolution of the landscape and soils. This symposium invites oral and poster contributions in which crustal-scale passive and/or active seismic imaging of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle forms the basis of regional, possibly interdisciplinary, studies of the tectonic processes controlling the architecture of orogenic belts, rifts, sedimentary basins, cratons, continental platforms and margins, and major intraoceanic features.

There were 12 oral presentations and 9 poster presentations made during the IGCP 474 session. The presentations covered a wide-range of targets, from the point of view of tectonic age and setting as well as geographically. Images of cratonic lithosphere, from Eurasia as well as Australia dominated but Palaeozoic accreted belts as well as Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogens and basins also received attention. Most presentations dealt with images derived from seismic reflection profiling but other (especially passive seismic) methods were represented. A number of presentations proposed images of the Earth’s crust and mantle based on the integration of diverse geophysical datasets.

Oral presentations

Crustal architecture across central Victoria, Australia, based on deep seismic reflection profiling.
R Korsch, D Moore, R Cayley, R Costelloe, A Nakamura, C Willman, T Rawling, V Morand, P O'Shea

Integrating geology with deep seismic reflection profiles: New insights into the geodynamic and architectural evolution of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, western Australia.
R Blewett, K Czarnota, L Jones, P Henson, B Goscombe, B Goleby

Reflection seismic images of the Early Precambrian crust of the major tectonic units within East European Craton: Data from the 1-EU, 4B, Tatseis geotraverses.
M Mints, A Suleimanov, N Zamozhniaya, V Stupak

North European transect
A Korja, P Heikkinen, Y Roslov

A large seismic transect across the variscan belt of SW-Iberia: A multidisciplinary view.
I Palomeras, M Fernandez, R Carbonell, F Simancas, P Ayarza, D Martinez Poyatos, AAzor, F Gonzalez­Lodeiro, A Perez-Estaun

New constraints on crustal structure of the southern Iberian Variscaides from deep seismic reflection profiles (IBERSEIS, ALCUDIA Projects).
R Carbonell, F Simancas, D MartInez-Poyatos, P Ayarza, I Palomeras, AJabaloy, P Gonzalez, RTejero, J Matas, L MartIn-Parra, A Azor, F González-Lodeiro, L GarcIa­Lobón, A Pérez-Estaiin, L Mansilla

From the east European to the Siberian craton: Controversies in the crustal and upper mantle models.
I Artemieva

Geological interpretation of the Siberian platform deep structure from transects Batolit and Altai - Severnaya Zemlya.
A Yefimov, A Migursky, D Rudnitskaya, V Staroseltsev, V Valchak, N Goryunov, A Yevgrafov

Baikal explosion seismic transects.
H Thybo, C Nielsen, V Suvorov

From continental collision to the Earth's deep water cycle: A preliminary synthesis of recent results from Project Hi-CLIMB.
W Chen

Sediment thickness in the Indo­Gangetic Plains inferred from Receiver function analysis
S Davuluri, R Chadha

Prospectus: A Trans-EurAsian Megatransect (TEAM).
L Brown

Poster presentations

Seismic image of the eastern edge of the Bay of Biscay: MARCONI deep seismic reflection profiles.
J Gallastegui, G Fernandez-Viejo, J Pulgar, J Gallart, TEAM MARCONI

Deep seismic reflection transects within the iberian peninsula: A geophysical data base.
B Gaite, I Palomeras, R Carbonell

An upper mantle reflector beneath SW Iberia. Location and seismic constraint.
P Ayarza, I Palomeras, F Simancas, R Carbonell, D MartInez­Poyatos, A Azor, A Pérez-Estaiin, F Gonzalez-Lodeiro

Interpretation of wide-angle reflection and refraction recordings of Vibroseis signals and 3-D gravity modelling along FIRE4 profile, northern Finland.
H Silvennoinen, E Kozlovskaya, J Yliniemi, T Tiira, W FIRE TEAM

Seismic image of the Fennoscandian Shield along the Baltic Sea - White Sea transect.
P Heikkinen, I Kukkonen, A Suleimanov, N Zamoshnyaya

Deep crustal structure of the East European Craton in context of suggested Trans-EurAsian Megatransect:
M Mints, A Suleimanov, N Zamozhniaya, A Morozov, A Lipilin

DOBRE-2: Integrated geophysical studies of the crust and upper mantle on the southern margin of the east European craton (Azov Sea-Crimea-Black sea area).
V Starostenko

Geotravese tatseis: One of the most significant components of trans-euroasian megatransform.
V Trofimov, A Trofimov

Deep structure of the Eurasia-Pacific transition zone under the Geotraverse Project.
L Zabarinskaya, A Rodnikov, N Sergeyeva

The IN-DEPTH transect of the Himalaya-Tibet plateau.
L Brown

Selected paper summaries

Sediment thickness in the Indo-Gangetic Plains inferred from Receiver function analysis

Davuluri, Srinagesh; Chadha, Rajender,

National Geophysical Research Institute, Seismology, Hyderabad, India


The Indo-Gangetic plain, a down warp of the Himalaya foreland is converted into flat plains by continuous sedimentation of Quaternary sediments. The thick sedimentary cover often obliterates the underlying geology and acts an impediment in understanding the tectonic evolution of the continents. The quantification of the sediments thickness is as important as mapping the underlying crustal structure. To unravel the structure we have been operating 10 broad band seismological stations in the Indo-Gangetic plains and the neighbouring Bundelkhand craton. Using receiver function technique the sedimentary thickness and the underlying crustal structure have been determined. The salient results were discussed and compared with the neighbouring Bundelkhand Massiff.

Reflection seismic images of the Early Precambrian crust of the major tectonic units within East European Craton: Data from the 1-EU, 4B, Tatseis geotraverses

Mints, Michael1; Suleimanov, Arsen2; Zamozhniaya, Nadezhda2; Stupak, Vladimir2

1 Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of the Early Precambrian tectonics, Moscow, Russian Federation;
2 Spetsgeophysica, Moscow, Russian Federation

map showing east european craton to the end of the PaleoproterozoicEmail: 

In recent years a grid of Russian deep seismic profiles has been developed within the East European Craton and these have permitted observation and comparison of reflection seismic images of the main types of tectonic units in the Early Precambrian crust. The Archaean Karelia and Kursk cratons are typical granite-greenstone terranes partially destroyed during Palaeoproterozoic. Related seismic images are formed by the combination of:

  1. packages of bright seismic reflection events (greenstones),
  2. extended sections with moderate and partially oriented events (granite-gneisses) and
  3. chiefly oval acoustically transparent areas at various depths (intrusive bodies?).

In this presentation these features and their interpretation are discussed in detail.

Deep structure of the Eurasia-Pacific transition zone under the Geotraverse Project

Zabarinskaya, Ludmila1; Rodnikov, Alexander2; Sergeyeva, Natalia2

1 Pavlovna, Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; 
2 Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation


The deep structure of the Eurasia-Pacific transition zone has been investigated under the Geotraverse International Project along deep cross-sections of the whole tectonosphere, including the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, based on the interpretation of both geological and geophysical data. The first geotraverse, was investigated in cooperation with Japanese geoscientists and crossed the region of the Japan Sea. The second geotraverse, was investigated in cooperation with Japanese and Chinese geoscientists and crossed the region of the Philippine Sea and the North China Plain. The third geotraverse crossed the region of the Okhotsk Sea. The total length of the geotraverses amounted to a few thousand kilometers with a depth of 100 km.

New constraints on crustal structure of the southern Iberian Variscaides from deep seismic reflection profiles (IBERSEIS, ALCUDIA Projects)

Carbonell, Ramon1; Simancas, Fernando2; Martínez-Poyatos, David2; Ayarza, Puy3; Palomeras, Imma1; Jabaloy, Antonio2; Gonzalez, Pablo4; Tejero, Rosa5; Matas, Jeronimo6; Martín-Parra, Luís6; Azor, Antonio2; González-Lodeiro, Francisco2; García-Lobón, Luís6; Pérez-Estaún, Andrés7; Mansilla, Luís8

1 CSIC-Institute of Earth Sciences, Structure and Dynamics of the Earth, Barcelona, Spain
2 University of Granada, Departamento de Geodinámica, Granada, Spain
3 University of Salamanca, Departamento de Geología, Salamanca, Spain
4 University of León, Departamento de Geografía y Geología, León, Spain
5 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Geodinámica, Madrid, Spain
6 Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid, Spain;
7 CSIC-Institute of Earth Sciences "Jaume Almera", Structure and Dynamics of the Earth, Barcelona, Spain
8 Escuela Politécnica Universitária de Almadén, Almadén, Spain


The IBERSEIS and ALCUDIA projects acquired two deep seismic reflection transects across the Variscan Orogen of southwestern Iberia. Jointly both transects complete almost 600 km of deep seismic reflection data, crossing the southern half of the Iberian Variscides and it offers a unique opportunity to study transpression tectonics. The whole transect extends from the Tajo basin southward till Gulf of Cadiz.

The 20 s (twtt), deep seismic reflection image provides key constraints in the crustal structure of the southwestern Iberian. The seismic profile crosses key elements of the Variscan Orogen, runs across major tectonic units including the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ), Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) and a large percentage of the Central Iberian Zone. The transect cuts across two major suture zones and some major geological structures and domains, with the Iberian Pyrite Belt being of the greatest interest, the Pulo do Lobo Unit, the Aracena metamophic belt, the Central Unit, the Santa Elena fault, the Almadén syncline, the Alcudia anticline, and the Toledo fault, and some major magnetic anomalies.

From continental collision to the Earth's deep water cycle: A preliminary synthesis of recent results from Project Hi-CLIMB

Chen, Wang-Ping,

University of Illinois, Geology, Urbana, United States


In the aftermath of plate tectonics, diffuse deformation of continents in general and the origin of the Tibetan plateau — the highest and the largest plateau on the planet — in particular have been on the leading edge of research. In this presentation, I put forth a preliminary synthesis of most recent results from Project Hi-CLIMB, an Integrated Study of the Himalayan-Tibetan Continental Lithosphere during Mountain Building.

The mainstay of Hi-CLIMB is a hybrid linear/regional seismic array that has an aperture of over 800 km by 800 km. With over 200 stations, this is by far the most extensive deployment of broadband, transportable seismic arrays to date, with a dense spacing of only 3-8 km along the linear array.

North European transect

Korja, Annakaisa1; Heikkinen, Pekka1; Roslov, Yuri2

1 University of Helsinki, Institute of Seismology, Helsinki, Finland;
2. Sevmorgeo, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation


A nearly continuous, 3600 km long, NE-running North European Transect (NET) is combined from the existing deep seismic reflection data sets in the Baltic Sea (BABEL, 1600 km), Northern Finland (FIRE 4-4A, 580 km) and Russian Arctic (1-AR, 1440 km). The transect starts as with a BABELA marine profile from the Bay of Lybeck, runs through the Baltic and Bothnian Seas (BABEL B,C,1,3&4), and continues with FIRE4&4A profile crossing northern Finland. In the Kola Peninsula region the transect is continues with profile Line 1-AR (1440 km total length with 1330 km at sea and 110 km on land) connecting the super-deep hole-3 on the Kola Peninsula (town of Zapolarny, Russia) with the hole 1-Hayes on Franz Joseph Land and transects the Barents Sea. Geologically the North European Transect covers the transition from Phanerozoic Europe to Precambrian Europe and back to the Phanerozoic Barents Sea shelf.

A large seismic transect across the variscan belt of SW-Iberia: A multidisciplinary view

Palomeras, Imma1; Fernandez, Manel1; Carbonell, Ramon1; Simancas, Fernando2; Ayarza, Puy3; Martinez Poyatos, David2; Azor, Antonio2; Gonzalez-Lodeiro, Francisco2; Perez-Estaun, Andres1

1 Inst. of Earth Sciences 'Jaume Almera' - CSIC, Barcelona, Spain;
2 University of Granada, Depto. Geodinamica, Granada, Spain;
3 University of Salamanca, Depto. Geologia, Salamanca, Spain


This paper describes a multidisciplinary geophysical study conducted along a seismic transect in the SW-Iberian Peninsula. This study integrates the crustal structure, geometry and composition obtained from normal incidence and wide-angle seismic reflection data with other observables (geoid, gravity and topography).

The IBERSEIS is a 300 km long high resolution deep normal incidence seismic reflection survey which provided the internal architecture of the lithosphere across the Variscan orogen of SW Iberia. The most prominent feature of the IBERSEIS profile is a 140 km long high amplitude reflective body (IRB) located in the middle crust in the northern part of the transect. Two wide-angle seismic transects acquired in the same area provided the seismic velocity (Vp) distribution within the crust and the upper mantle. The wide-angle data constrained the IRB as a high velocity body and revealed that it is most probably part of a series of mafic dikes emplaced within the crust.

An upper mantle reflector beneath SW Iberia. Location and seismic constraints

Ayarza, Puy1; Palomeras, Inma2; Simancas, Fernando3; Carbonell, Ramón2; Martínez-Poyatos, David3; Azor, Antonio3; Pérez-Estaún, Andrés2; Gonzalez-Lodeiro, Francisco3

1 Salamanca University, Geology, Salamanca, Spain;
2 CSIC, Earth Sciences Institute 'Jaume Almera', Barcelona, Spain;
3 Granada University, Geodinamics, Granada, Spain


Long wide angle seismic reflection profiles benefit from energy reflected at supercritical angles to image deep interfaces which may feature low impedance contrasts. Recent examples are the late seismic events identified in the IBERSEIS wide-angle recordings. This experiment acquired two ~300 km long profiles which sampled three different tectonic zones in the SW Iberian Massif. The seismic sections provide information concerning upper mantle reflectivity down to depths of 70 km. Slightly above this depth, a mantle reflector has been observed at offsets over 180 km and has been modelled as a fairly continuous feature in all the shot records where the distance between shot and receivers is long enough as to allow its identification. However, this feature does not appear at all or at least is not as continuous in coincident or neighbouring vertical incidence deep seismic reflection profiles. Accordingly, we suggest that the nature of this boundary is probably lithological and that it implies a subtle velocity/density contrast only visible at high incidence angles.

Deep seismic reflection transects within the iberian peninsula: A geophysical data base

Gaite, Beatriz; Palomeras, Imma; Carbonell, Ramon

map showing line of transects within the Iberian PeninsulaInstitut of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain


A relatively large number of large-scale seismic reflection transects acquired in the Iberia Peninsula has been compiled into a geophysical data base. These data has been made available through an easy access internet web page ( ) . The key objective of this effort is to provide ready access to geophysical data, such as images of the Earth's basement geology and deep crust and upper mantle, and thus contribute to more informed debate on issues related to geological paradigms (theories), tectonic processes (plate tectonics, dynamic processes), the natural environment (landscapes, soils, erosion), natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis) and the sustainable use of natural resources including soil, water, energy (oil, gas, coal, geothermal), and minerals.

Many images of the Earth included in this database were collected along transects, which are long, narrow corridors across the Earth's surface. These images represent two-dimensional slices extending from the surface to depths as great as 100km.

Integrating geology with deep seismic reflection profiles: new insights into the geodynamic and architectural evolution of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, Western Australia

Blewett, Richard1; Czarnota, Karol1; Jones, Leonie1; Henson, Paul1; Goscombe, Ben2; Goleby, Bruce1

1 Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia
2 ITAC, Adelaide, Australia


Deep seismic reflection profiles provide a unique view of the architecture of the crust and upper mantle, leading to inferences regarding its geodynamic evolution. The Eastern Goldfields Superterrane (EGST) in Western Australia is a classic Archaean granite-greenstone terrane that hosts some of the world's best gold and nickel deposits. Defining the geodynamics and its resultant architecture are two critical components in understanding these major mineral systems.

Two major across-strike seismic transects totalling 614 km (91EGF01 and 01AGSNY1) have been acquired, and these are augmented by numerous shorter seismic traverses. The result is a comprehensive grid of traverses that have been integrated with the geology and the potential field geophysics to create a series of 3D models (maps). The post seismic paradigm for interpreting the folds (domes) and faults was one of thrust duplexing in an overall cyclic contractional-extensional tectonic setting.

Crustal architecture across central Victoria, Australia, based on deep seismic reflection

Korsch, Russell1; Moore, David2; Cayley, Ross2; Costelloe, Ross1; Nakamura, Aki1; Willman, Clive2; Rawling, Tim3; Morand, Vince2; O'Shea, Peter2

1 pmd*CRC, Canberra, Australia;
2 GeoScience Victoria, Melbourne, Australia;
3 pmd*CRC, Melbourne, Australia


An approximately 400 km long deep crustal reflection seismic survey across central Victoria, Australia, was carried out in 2006 as a collaborative project between the pmd*CRCC, Geoscience Australia, the Victorian Government, Ballarat Goldfields NL, Gold Fields Australasia Pty Ltd and Perseverance Corporation Ltd, using the facilities of the National Research Facility for Earth Sounding (ANSIR). The aim was to cross several Neoproterozoic-Palaeozoic basement zones and provide information on the crustal architecture, particularly across the highly prospective Palaeozoic rocks occurring along strike to the north of the major Victorian goldfields, such as Bendigo. In the west, the Moyston Fault is a major east-dipping planar fault near the eastern edge of the Grampians-Stavely Zone, which probably formed the eastern margin of continental Australia in the Cambrian. It cuts through the entire crust to the Moho.

The Stawell Zone, immediately east of the Moyston Fault, has the geometry of a doubly vergent wedge. The boundary between the Stawell Zone and the Bendigo Zone farther to the east is the Avoca Fault, which appears to be a west-dipping listric fault that links to the Moyston Fault at a depth of about 22 km, forming a Y-shaped geometry. Internal faults in the Stawell and Bendigo zones are almost entirely west-dipping listric faults, which cut deep into the highly reflective lower crust, interpreted to be stacked ?Cambrian oceanic crust. Previous models advocating the presence of a mid-crustal detachment are not supported by these deep crustal scale faults.

In summary, the deep seismic data across central Victoria has allowed the geometry of the rocks and structures mapped at the surface to be projected through the entire crust, thus providing important constraints to test previous tectonic models.

Interpretation of wide-angle reflection and refraction recordings of Vibroseis signals and 3-D gravity modelling along FIRE4 profile, northern Finland

Silvennoinen, Hanna1; Kozlovskaya, Elena1; Yliniemi, Jukka1; Tiira, Timo2; FIRE, Working Group3

1 University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland;
2 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;
3 Finland


We present the results of the interpretation of wide-angle measurement of Vibroseis signals along the southern part of the FIRE4 profile located in the northern Finland and 3-D density modelling of the area around the profile. The Finnish Reflection Experiment (FIRE) was a deep CMP reflection seismic survey made by Vibroseis technique along four profiles in Finland during 2001 - 2003. During the experiment thirteen recording stations were deployed along the southern part of FIRE4 profile for the purpose of recording wide-angle signal from vibrator sources. The FIRE4 wide angle reflection and refraction profile is 235 km long and crosses Archaean granitoids, early Proterozoic Peräpohja Schist Belt and Central Lapland Granitoid Complex.

Seismic Transect of northern Finland

Seismic image of the eastern edge of the Bay of Biscay: MARCONI deep seismic reflection profiles

Gallastegui, Jorge1; Fernandez-Viejo, Gabriela1; Pulgar, Javier1; Gallart, Josep2; MARCONI, TEAM3

1 University of Oviedo, Geology Department, Oviedo, Spain;
2 Institute 'Jaume Almera' CSIC, Barcelona, Spain;
3 Various Institutions, Spain


The Bay of Biscay is the result of the northward propagation of rifting and sea-floor spreading in relation with the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean during Late Jurassic-Cretaceous times. The newly formed Cantabrian Margin (S of the Bay of Biscay) remained stable until the beginning of the Cenozoic when the convergence between the Iberian and Eurasian plates lead to the building of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Mountains and the partial closure of the Bay of Biscay. Most of the deformation and shortening of this Alpine event concentrated in the Cantabrian margin whilst the Armorican conjugate margin in the N remained almost not deformed. Convergence lasted approximately from upper Eocene to lower Miocene and stopped at an early stage, making this area a unique place to study the initial stages of deformation of a previous passive margin. In summer 2003, 11 multichannel deep seismic reflection profiles were acquired in the MARCONI seismic experiment, aboard the Spanish R/V Hespérides, providing a new 3D image of the structure at the south-easternmost part of the Bay of Biscay.

Seismic image of the Fennoscandian Shield along the Baltic Sea - White Sea transect

Heikkinen, Pekka1; Kukkonen, Ilmo2; Suleimanov, Arsen3; Zamoshnyaya, Nadezhda3

1 University of Helsinki, Institute of Seismology, Helsinki, Finland;
2 Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, Finland;
3 Spetsgeofizika S.G.E., Moscow, Russian Federation


We present a 1120 km long transect extending across the Precambrian Fennoscandian Shield, from the Belomorian greenstone belt in the east, across the Archaean Karelian craton and the Proterozoic Western Finland Arc Complex (WAC) to the Proterozoic Southern Finland Arc Complex (SAC). The transect gives a comprehensive view of the crust and uppermost mantle across the Fennoscandian Shield , imaging the break-up of the Archaean craton and tectonic processes which compiled the Shield during the Svecofennian orogeny (1.9-1.8 Ga). Most of the seismic reflection data along the transect was acquired by the FIRE (Finnish Reflection Experiment) consortium - the Geological Survey of Finland, and Universities of Helsinki and Oulu, with Russian Spetsgeofizika S.G.E. as a contractor. The consortium carried out seismic reflection surveys in Finland in 2001-2003 on four lines with a total length of 2135 km.

The INDEPTH transect of the Himalaya-Tibet plateau

Brown, Larry

Image: seismic transect of the Himalaya-Tibet PlateauCornell University, Institute for the Study of the Continents, Ithaca, United States


Project INDEPTH is a multinational, multidisciplinary initiative that has now collected an extensive suite of geophysical data extending from the high Himalayas to the central portion of the Tibetan plateau. INDEPTH I detailed the geometry of the Main Himalayan detachment beneath which Indian continental crust is subducting beneath the deforming leading edge of Asia, providing an important new constraint on the amount of plate convergence that could be attributed to crustal shortening in the Himalaya. INDEPTH II seismic and magnetotelluric indications of partial melt in southern Tibet have lent support to tectonic models involving warm, weak crust and attendant material flow at depth. INDEPTH III results that are consistent with such flow beneath the central plateau include a highly conductive crust, restriction of local seismicity to the uppermost crust, reflective lamination in the lower crust, and coherent crustal anisotropy.

Mantle tomography of INDEPTH III teleseismic recordings indicate a steeply dipping zone of anomalously fast (cold?) material in the mantle beneath central Tibet that likely marks subducted Indian lithosphere

DOBRE-2: Integrated geophysical studies of the crust and upper mantle on the southern margin of the East European Craton (Azov Sea-Crimea-Black Sea area)

Starostenko, Vitaly

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Geophysics, Kiev, Ukraine


map: Azov Sea - Crimea - Black Sea areaThe southern part of the eastern European continental landmass consists mainly of a thick platform of Vendian and younger sediments overlying Precambrian basement, part of the East European Platform (EEP). The Scythian Platform (SP) lies between the EEP and the (mainly Alpine) deformed belt running from Dobrogea (Romania) to Crimea (Ukraine) and the Greater Caucasus (Russia), along the northern margin of the Black Sea. Hard constraints on the Palaeozoic history on the SP are very sparse and little is known of its crustal structure in this area. This poster paper presents preliminary results of a new multidisciplinary project that will fill some of this gap. The new project is called DOBRE-2 (as it forms a prolongation of the successful DOBRE project executed in 1999-2001).

The main objectives of DOBRE-2 are to elucidate the deep-seated structure of the lithosphere and geodynamic setting of the shelf zones of the Azov and Black seas and the Crimean peninsula and to study the deep controls on the structure of basement and sedimentary cover. DOBRE-2 traverses a number of major faults and suture zones separating the EEP from the SP, the Crimean Mountains, and the Black Sea depression.

The paper is presented on behalf of the DOBRE-2 Working Group (participants from: Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine; Ukrgeofizika, Ukrainian Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Kyiv, Ukraine; Netherlands Centre for Integrated Solid Earth Sciences, VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; IFM-Geomar, University of Kiel, Germany; Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; and Institute of Geophysics, University of Warsaw, Poland).